Russia, Nizhny Novgorod 8 (831) 282-88-50

In the new line of household chemicals and cosmetics for children «UTYA,» a long-awaited novelty has been introduced!

Favorite laundry detergent for children’s clothing «UTYA» is now available in a new packaging format of 6 kg.

Key features:

    • Completely rinses out and does not create dust
    • Hypoallergenic and safe for the skin
    • Does not contain phosphates and optical brighteners
    • Suitable for both hand and machine wash
    • Active at washing temperatures from 30 to 95 degrees Celsius

«Dirt from puddles, soup, and stew,

Our trusty «Utya» knows what to do!»

Belaya Manufactura LLC: Kominterna Str. 41В, 603014, Nizhny Novgorod.
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